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Run different frameworks side-by-side with OWIN




My impression of one of the big benefits of Owin is that it makes it easy to run different web frameworks side-by-side without IIS's IHttpHandler. (This would be huge for distributing vertical functionality slices as nuget features.)

However every tutorial and article I find talks of things like self-host and a single framework. This is not what I'm interested in, I'm interested in running mvc, nancy, web api, maybe even webforms in the same application.

Am I wrong about OWIN enabling this? Say I want

  • Mvc to handle most requests
  • Webforms to handle requests which have a version=legacy header
  • Nancy to handle requests to /Nancy/...

How would I configure my Startup class to enable this?

like image 852
George Mauer Avatar asked Mar 06 '14 05:03

George Mauer

1 Answers

Although the use case sounds a bit absurd, you're absolutely right that OWIN enables this. You can compose your pipeline in all kinds of crazy ways.

Straight Pipeline

A typical "straight" pipeline would look something like this:

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseWebApi(new MyHttpConfiguration());

This will work as follows (given you're hosting on http://localhost/)

  • WebAPI - http://localhost/api/* (default routing)
  • SignalR - http://localhost/signalr (default route)
  • Nancy - http://localhost/* (will handle everything else)

Branched Pipeline

You can also create branches in your pipeline:

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseWebApi(new MyHttpConfiguration());

        app.Map("/newSite", site =>

This will work as follows (given you're hosting on http://localhost/)

  • WebAPI - http://localhost/api/* (default routing)
  • SignalR - http://localhost/newSite/signalr (default route)
  • Nancy - http://localhost/newSite/* (will handle everything else)
like image 86
khellang Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11
