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Run applet in Android tablet

I have already some applets ready. I tried to run it on android tablet. Will it not work at all? I am not sure? Do any one knows this?

Or is it like after android. Java is not platform independent - ;)

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Ketan Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 10:06


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When you visit a page with a Java applet, select the CheerpJ icon, then select Run Applets to enable the Java applets on the page. Once enabled, you'll see all of the applets run inside your Chrome browser as they normally should.

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To run an applet with the Applet Viewer, enter the following command: appletviewer <name> , where <name> is one of the following options: The file name of an HTML file that calls an applet. The URL of a web page that calls an applet.

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To run an applet with the Applet Viewer, enter the following command: appletviewer <name> .

1 Answers

AFAIK there is no JRE (Java Runtime Environment) for Android so there is no way of running applets. For more detailed information, see the following page: http://www.technipages.com/can-java-applets-run-on-android.html

Here is an interesting article about someone porting a Java Applet to Android: An Adventure in Porting a Java Applet to Android with no Previous Experience with Android

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jonjbar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10
