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Run Android studio emulator on AMD processor

Android newbie. My processor is AMD, not Intel, so I can't open the emulator in Android studio.

This answer has the comment: 'You can run the ARM (non Intel) emulator image. From your list, just choose a non Intel emulation.' They don't explain where this can be found. Any ideas? Thanks

Android Studio emulator and AMD CPU

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Bobby King Avatar asked Jul 12 '15 09:07

Bobby King

People also ask

Can I run Android Studio on AMD processor?

The Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors can be installed via the SDK Manager in Android Studio 4.0 Canary 5 or later, or from Github (see below). To install from the SDK Manager, follow these steps: Open Tools->SDK Manager.

Does AMD support Android Emulator?

Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors is released through android-studio. However, only Android Studio with version 4.0 canary 5 or above can both download and install/update the driver. Otherwise, the Android Studio will only download the driver package without performing installation.

Which emulator is best for AMD processor?

MEmu Play offers a large number of emulation features to Windows 10. It supports both Intel and AMD CPUs, which is a great compatibility feature. The software runs Android Nougat (7.1. 2) version by default but is also compatible with Kit Kat (4.4), and Lollipop (5.0).

Can we run Android Studio in Ryzen 5?

Answer: it can.

1 Answers

Alright, first of all, open your Android SDK Manager: Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager, then chose any platform/package you want to download, expand it and select ARM EABI v7a System Image or ARM 64 v8a System Image then install.

After that, open Android AVD Manager: Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager and create an emulator. You may chose from existing or create your own.

For better results, you may need to restart Android Studio.


Thanks to @bjornredemption for his clue.

As per Google's latest documentation for Android Emulator v29+ Navigate to Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager then select the "SDK Tools" tab and tick this option:

Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors

Then click Apply to download then use it for your emulator.

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blueware Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
