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Run a shell script from docker-compose command, inside the container

I am attempting to run a shell script by using docker-compose inside the docker container. I am using the Dockerfile to build the container environment and installing all dependancies. I then copy all the project files to the container. This works well as far as I can determine. (I am still fairly new to docker, docker-compose)

My Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.6-alpine3.7

RUN apk add --no-cache --update \
    python3 python3-dev gcc \
    gfortran musl-dev \
    libffi-dev openssl-dev

RUN pip install --upgrade pip

ENV APP /app

RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
RUN mkdir $APP

ADD requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

What I am currently attempting is this:

docker-compose file:

version: "2"

    image: nginx:latest
    container_name: nginx
      - "8000:8000"
      - "443:443"
      - ./:/app
      - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      - ./config/nginx/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs
      - ./config/nginx/ssl/private:/etc/ssl/private
      - api
    build: .
    container_name: app
    command: /bin/sh -c "entrypoint.sh"
      - "5000"

This results in the container not starting up, and from the log I get the following:

/bin/sh: 1: entrypoint.sh: not found

For more reference and information this is my entrypoint.sh script:

python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate --message 'initial database migration'
python manage.py db upgrade
gunicorn -w 1 -b manage:app

Basically, I know I could run the container with only the gunicorn line above in the command line of the dockerfile. But, I am using a sqlite db inside the app container, and really need to run the db commands for the database to initialise/migrate.

Just for reference this is a basic Flask python web app with a nginx reverse proxy using gunicorn.

Any insight will be appreciated. Thanks.

like image 781
Kevin Smith Avatar asked Sep 08 '19 09:09

Kevin Smith

People also ask

How do I run a command inside a container?

In order to run a command inside a Docker Container using the exec command, you have to know the Container Id of the Docker Container. You can get the Container Id using the following Command. Once you have the Container ID, you can use the Docker exec command.

Can I run commands from docker compose?

Docker Compose allows us to execute commands inside a Docker container. During the container startup, we can set any command via the command instruction.

1 Answers

First thing, You are copying entrypoint.sh to $APP which you passed from your build args but you did not mentioned that and second thing you need to set permission for entrypoint.sh. Better to add these three lines so you will not need to add command in docker-compose file.

FROM python:3.6-alpine3.7
RUN apk add --no-cache --update \
    python3 python3-dev gcc \
    gfortran musl-dev \
    libffi-dev openssl-dev
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
ENV APP /app
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
RUN mkdir $APP
ADD requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .
# These line for /entrypoint.sh
COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.sh
entrypoint "/entrypoint.sh"

docker compose for api will be

    build: .
    container_name: app
      - "5000"

or you can use you own also will work fine

version: "2"

    build: .
    container_name: app
    command: /bin/sh -c "entrypoint.sh"
      - "5000"

Now you can check with docker run command too.

docker run -it --rm myapp

like image 70
Adiii Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
