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Run a remote command on all Jenkins slaves via Masters's script console




I want to run same shell command (very simple shell commands like ls) on all the UNIX slaves which are connected to the master by using the master's script console.

How can I do this using groovy?

Want to do something like this: Display Information About Nodes but instead of displaying information, I want to also run some simple UNIX commands on each slave and print the results.

like image 965
coffeMug Avatar asked Oct 27 '14 08:10


2 Answers

import hudson.util.RemotingDiagnostics;

print_ip = 'println InetAddress.localHost.hostAddress';
print_hostname = 'println InetAddress.localHost.canonicalHostName';

// here it is - the shell command, uname as example 
uname = 'def proc = "uname -a".execute(); proc.waitFor(); println proc.in.text';

for (slave in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
    println slave.name;
    println RemotingDiagnostics.executeGroovy(print_ip, slave.getChannel());
    println RemotingDiagnostics.executeGroovy(print_hostname, slave.getChannel());
    println RemotingDiagnostics.executeGroovy(uname, slave.getChannel());
like image 82
Ivan Klass Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11

Ivan Klass

The pipeline looks something like this:

stages  {
      stage('Checkout repo') {
         steps  {
            //checkout what I need
      stage('Generate Jobs')  {
         steps  {
            jobDsl targets:'generate_projects.groovy',
      stage('Build Projects')  {
         steps  {
            build job: "build-all",
            propagate: true,
            wait: true

and then is file generate_projects.groovy, where the actually DSL generation is:

for (agent in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
   if (!agent.getComputer().isOffline())  { // check that agent is not offline
      node = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getNode(agent.name)  // get agent name
      agentIPs = node.computer.getChannel().call(new ListPossibleNames())
      agentIP = agentIPs[0]  // get agent IP
      //Create a job that will run on that specific agent
      jobName = FOLDER + '/<Job_name>' + agent.name     // need to create different names
             shell(<shell script or commands that you want to run>)

Beside the above generation of the jobs, you'll need to keep a list of jobs that were generated and add all its elements in "build-all" pipeline job, that will look something like:

   b0: {build '<Job_name>' + agent.name'},
   b1: {build '<Job_name>' + agent.name'},
   b2: {build '<Job_name>' + agent.name'},
failFast: false

So when you run the pipeline, a job for each agent will be created, and all new created jobs will run in parallel. I use it for updating setup scenario.

like image 41
Stefan x Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11

Stefan x