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Run a command at a specific time


I'm trying to run a command at a specific time. I've looked at the "at" command, but I don't know how to get it working...

Here's what I do:

at 1843 (Enter) php /run/this/script.php (Ctrl+D) 

But how do I do this in a bash script? I mean, I need to press enter and "Ctrl+D" to set up the delay... How to do this in a script?

Any suggestions most welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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Eamorr Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 17:04


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1 Answers

You can echo your command into at as input:

echo "/usr/bin/php /run/this/script.php" | at 18:43 
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Michael Berkowski Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 06:10

Michael Berkowski