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Rules/guidelines for documenting C# code? [closed]


I am a relatively new developer and have been assigned the task of documenting code written by an advanced C# developer. My boss told me to look through it, and to document it so that it would be easier to modify and update as needed.

My question is: Is there a standard type of Documentation/Comment structure I should follow? My boss made it sound like everyone knew exactly how to document the code to a certain standard so that anyone could understand it.

I am also curious if anyone has a good method for figuring out unfamiliar code or function uncertainty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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buzzzzjay Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 22:09


People also ask

Is there any C documentation?

C can differ quite much from compiler to compiler! @Auron: the specification is the only official documentation; however there are numerous non-official documentations that are much more accessible (both financially and linguistically).

What is meant by documentation in C?

The main purpose of program documentation is to describe the design of your program. The documentation also provides the framework in which to place the code. as coding progresses, the code is inserted into the framework already created by the program documentation.

1 Answers

The standard seems to be XML Doc (MSDN Technet article here).

You can use /// at the beginning of each line of documentation comments. There are standard XML style elements for documenting your code; each should follow the standard <element>Content</element> usage. Here are some of the elements:

<c>               Used to differentiate code font from normal text                      <c>class Foo</c> <code> <example> <exception> <para>            Used to control formatting of documentation output.                      <para>The <c>Foo</c> class...</para> <param> <paramref>        Used to refer to a previously described <param>                       If <paramref name="myFoo" /> is <c>null</c> the method will... <remarks> <returns> <see>             Creates a cross-ref to another topic.                       The <see cref="System.String" /><paramref name="someString"/>                      represents...  <summary>         A description (summary) of the code you're documenting.                      
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Ken White Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Ken White