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rule of zero vs. base class destructors

I have a base class Base and a derived class D, and I'd like to have move constructor and move assignment operator automatically generated by the compiler for me. Following the Rule of Zero, I leave all memory management to the compiler and only use level-2 classes (no raw pointers, arrays, etc.):

#include <iostream>

class Base{
    Base(): a_(42) {}
    virtual void show() { std::cout << "Base " << a_ << std::endl; }

    int a_;

class D : Base {
    D(): b_(666) {}
    void show() { std::cout << "D " << b_ << std::endl; }

    int b_;

int main() {
  Base b;
  D d;
  return 0;

This should be it, right?

Enter the C++ core guidelines:

A base class destructor should be either public and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual.

Ah, so I guess I'll have to add a destructor to Base. But that'll do away with the automatically generated move functions!

What's the clean way out here?

like image 771
Nico Schlömer Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 22:12

Nico Schlömer

2 Answers

You can = default everything that you would like to be generated by the compiler. See (at the bottom): http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/rule_of_three

In your case it could look something like:

class Base{
    Base(): a_(42) {}
    Base(const Base&) = default;
    Base(Base&&) = default;
    Base& operator=(const Base&) = default;
    Base& operator=(Base&&) = default;
    virtual ~Base() = default;

    virtual void show() { std::cout << "Base " << a_ << std::endl; }

    int a_;
like image 121
AMA Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 08:01


You can create once a class like

struct VirtualBase
      virtual ~VirtualBase() = default;
      VirtualBase() = default;
      VirtualBase(const VirtualBase&) = default;
      VirtualBase(VirtualBase&&) = default;
      VirtualBase& operator = (const VirtualBase&) = default;
      VirtualBase& operator = (VirtualBase&&) = default;

And then follow rule of zero:

class Base : VirtualBase
    Base(): a_(42) {}
    virtual void show() { std::cout << "Base " << a_ << std::endl; }

    int a_;
like image 26
Jarod42 Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 06:01
