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RubyMine - Turning off ability to click in middle of "empty" lines

I've recently begun learning Ruby and I'm really enjoying it so far. The IDE I've chosen to use is RubyMine (as it's similar to PhpStorm). There is however one feature which annoys me greatly and I cannot find the configuration for.

What I want to get rid of is: When coding I am able to click in the middle of a line (where I haven't placed whitespace), and the cursor will jump there and allow me to type there (as if I had placed indented the code a long way before beginning to write).

                                  The result might look something like this. 

If I clicked in the middle of the line and began typing.

Does anyone know how to turn this feature off?

If my description is too vague, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

like image 763
bjrnt Avatar asked Feb 26 '12 19:02


1 Answers

You need to disable Settings | Editor | Virtual Space | Enable placement of caret after end of line

like image 170
Dennis Ushakov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Dennis Ushakov