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Rubymine shortcut to insert <%= %>

Is there a shortcut for inserting a <%= %> in Rubymine?

I took a look in keymap and didn't see anything.

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Tyler DeWitt Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 18:03

Tyler DeWitt

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1 Answers

The default shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+Period on Windows and Cmd+Shift+Period on Mac. It may not work on all the keyboards, in which case you can change it in Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Keymap: Main Menu, Tools, Erb, Insert <%= %>:


You can also use code completion:


After accepting this choice you'll get:

<%= | %> 

Another option is to define a live template:

live template

Type re, then Tab to expand.

Finally, you can define a keyboard shortcut for any text/template using the following trick:

  1. Edit | Macros | Start Macro Recording
  2. Type re, then Tab
  3. Edit | Macros | Stop Macro Recording
  4. Save it under RubyExpression name

Now go to Keymap settings and assign a shortcut to RubyExpression under Edit, Macros.

like image 187
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
