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RubyMine search project for file by path



In SublimeText 2 I can do: cmd + t

And then type either file names or folder names and the results displayed are files that either match files that match the term i'm searching for for files that are in a subfolder of the term i'm searching for, for example if I had directory structure like so:


I could do cmd + t

And the type "orders" and the only two options that would show up would be the /orders/edit.rb and /orders/add.rb file which i could key navigate down or type add more to the search term "orders edit" and the only option would be "/orders/edit.rb"

How can i get this same functionality in RubyMine

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Mark Evans Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 21:04

Mark Evans

People also ask

How do I search anywhere in IntelliJ?

Use ⇧⇧ (macOS), or Shift+Shift (Windows/Linux), to bring up the Search Everywhere dialog. You can search across Classes, Files, Symbols and Actions. You can also use forward slash to filter the results to a specific area, such as /editor.

How do I specify a file path in IntelliJ?

If you just want to copy the file path you can use Ctrl + Shift + C . You can also search for action with (Ctrl + Shift + A) (for mac Command + Shift + A) and then it will show you the Keyboard shortcut for particular action. If you want to change the Keymap you can open setting page and search for Keymap.

2 Answers

Use Navigate | File, you can type the file name and directory name fragments, like or/ed, use the slash as the separator. Middle matching is also supported.

More details available in help.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01


Press shift twice.

Search for Anything with Search Everywhere in IntelliJ IDEA http://mrhaki.blogspot.ca/2014/02/search-for-anything-with-search.html

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Mark Jackson Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01

Mark Jackson