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Rubymine: How to jump back?




It's really great Rubymine allows us to Cmd+Left-Click to trace where a method is defined and jump to the source file/location.

I doubt if there's a hot-key to go back, which is helpful when there're a lot of files/tabs are opened or viewing a long file

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aquajach Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 06:03


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To undo an action press Ctrl+Z. If you prefer your mouse, click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar. You can press Undo (or CTRL+Z) repeatedly if you want to undo multiple steps.

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1 Answers

There is an action to go back, Navigate | Back:


Hotkey would depend on your keymap and can be observed in the menu.

like image 155
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
