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RubyMine Go To Definition isn't working



I'm having trouble with Rubymine in that I cannot Go to Declaration of files that I once was able to go to before (these aren't dynamic classes or methods). I'm not sure if it's related to the fact that I have some scopes for file coloring or for some other reason, but this feature doesn't seem to be working properly.

The version of RubyMine is on Windows. Does anyone know the problem or a solution?

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Jim Pedid Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 23:08

Jim Pedid

2 Answers

Did you try?

File | Invalidate Caches... > Invalidate and Restart

I had the same problem in the same version, but after invalidating the caches "Go to Declaration" works again.

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huug Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 02:11


My RubyMine was just pointing at the wrong Ruby version where the gems weren't installed. I fixed this by going to Preferences > Languages and Frameworks > Ruby SDK and Gems and selecting the Ruby version I bundled my Rails app with.

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user3281384 Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 03:11
