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Ruby on Rails website to iPhone app

This is going to be a very generic question and I'm sorry. But lets say I have a website I wrote using Ruby on Rails and I now wish to turn it into a native iPhone app, downloadable from the app store. Can someone just point me in the direction of some useful tools/tutorials or anything helpful?


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Corey Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 20:04


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Can Ruby on Rails be used for mobile apps?

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Can you convert a website to a mobile app?

To convert a website to a mobile app, go to the Website App Template on AppsGeyser. Enter your website's URL, add social tabs, enter your app's name, and submit your icon. Then your mobile app is live! How to convert a website to an app for Android without coding?

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Ruby on Rails (simplify as Rails) is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.

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2 Answers



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fl00r Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10


You've got a long road ahead of you and a ton of choices to make. The bottom line is that you have to decide what the capabilities of the application must do and choose the tools & technologies that match that intent.

Most apps will benefit from being written in native Objective-C using Xcode. You can utilize tools like ASIHTTPRequest, RestKit, or ObjectiveResource in order to communicate with the server.

I don't recommend utilizing your Rails controllers as a mobile API for a number of reasons:

  • it tightly couples your clients to your internal software model, this totally prevents you from evolving your model over time
  • you might want different things accessible form your mobile clients (for security probably)
  • the restful nature of these controllers are easy to work with in Rails views, but not so much from a raw HTTP perspective

If you're comfortable with web technologies you can also look at Titanium, Sencha, and PhoneGap.

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Ben Scheirman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Ben Scheirman