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Ruby on Rails CSV putting "" instead of actual quotes

I am attempting to generate a CSV file. Everything is fine except for blank fields, I'm not quite sure have "" instead of actual quotes. I've provided the code I'm using to generate the file and some output.

<% headers = ["Username", "Name", "E-mail", "Phone Number"] %>
<%= CSV.generate_line headers %>

<% @users_before_paginate.each do |user| %>
  <% row = [ "#{user.username}".html_safe ] %>
  <% row << "#{user.profile.first_name} #{user.profile.last_name}".html_safe unless user.profile.blank? %>
  <% row << "#{user.email}".html_safe unless user.profile.nil? %>
  <% row << "#{user.profile.phone}".html_safe unless user.profile.nil? %>
  <%= CSV.generate_line row %>
<% end %>


Username,Name,E-mail,Phone Number

  admin,LocalShopper ,[email protected],&quot;&quot;
  Brian,Oliveri Design ,[email protected],727-537-9617
  LocalShopperJenn,Jennifer M Gentile ,[email protected],&quot;&quot;
like image 853
Adam Leonard Avatar asked Oct 07 '10 20:10

Adam Leonard

People also ask

Where does rails store CSV files?

In order to seed the database with the information from the CSV file, you will need to know the file path where your CSV file is located. To me it made the most sense to place by CSV file in the lib folder in my Rails API project directory.

2 Answers

Instead of calling html_safe on each part of the array and then making a new (non-html-safe) string from it, try calling it at the end, after the string is returned from generate_line:

<%= CSV.generate_line(row).html_safe %>

UPDATE: For security, you need to be sure that this template is not being sent to the browser as HTML, but a raw text/csv file. If the row content contains any actual HTML tags like <script>, these would not get escaped, because you've declared the output as "safe".

If this content needs to be output within an HTML page, then you'd better consider correct escaping instead of bypassing it like this.

Consider if you really need a html.erb template for generating CSV.

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Andrew Vit Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Andrew Vit

Here's a template I've used that works well enough:

  response.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'

  FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
    csv << @report[:columns]
    @report[:rows].each do |row|
      csv << row

You can do this entirely within the controller if you like and render it as type :text instead.

It also helps if you wrangle the content into order, in this case a simple @report hash, inside the controller than to do all the heavy lifting in the view.

like image 30
tadman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
