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Ruby on rails - cannot load such file -- net/ssh

I've been struggling on this for a few days now..

When I try to call a method in a helper from a view to do ssh, it throws that error.

"This error occurred while loading the following files: net/ssh"

But when I copy the code into a test.rb file and execute it from prompt ruby test.rb it connects flawlessly.

What could be the problem ? I tried on another computer and same result.

Thank you very much this is like the last step before I can complete my project!



module ApplicationHelper
  def title(value)
    unless value.nil?
      @title = "#{value} | Eucc"      
  def execute
    require 'rubygems'
    require 'net/ssh'
    @hostname = "smtlmon02"
    @username = "gcaille"
    @password = "qaz1234"
    @cmd = "ls -al"
    @cmd2 = "sudo su - -c 'ls;date'"

    ssh = Net::SSH.start(@hostname, @username, :password => @password)
    res = ssh.exec!(@cmd)
    res2 = ssh.exec!(@cmd2)

    File.open("output.txt", 'w') {|file| file.write(res2)}
like image 419
Guillaume Caillé Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 14:03

Guillaume Caillé

1 Answers

You just need to add it to Gemfile like this:

gem 'net-ssh'

and run bundle install after that.

like image 73
Sergey Moiseev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Sergey Moiseev