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Ruby: Mocking a class method with MiniTest?


I'm using MiniTest 2.12.1 (the latest version of the stock testing framework shipped with Ruby >= 1.9) and I can't figure out how to mock a class method with it, the same way it's possible with the likes of Mocha, for example:

product = Product.new
assert_equal product, Product.find(1)

I've been dabbling the Internet for days and I'm still to find a reasonable answer to this. Please help?

like image 913
Cristian R. Arroyo Avatar asked May 05 '12 19:05

Cristian R. Arroyo

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Mocking is the practice of using fake objects to mimic the behaviour of real application components. Since mock objects simulate the behaviour of the original components, they can be used during testing of an isolated application code to handle its interaction with other parts of the application.

1 Answers

This might not be helpful to you if you're stuck using 2.12.1, but looks like they added method stubbing to minitest/mock in HEAD here.

So, were you to update to minitest HEAD, I think you could do this:

product = Product.new
Product.stub(:find, product) do
  assert_equal product, Product.find(1)
like image 182
Adam Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
