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ruby - iterate through a hash containing key/array value pairs, and iterate through each value



I have an hash that looks like this:

  "key1": [
  "key2": [
  "key3": [
  "key4": [

How do I iterate through every keyN, while also looping through all the values in that key?

I have an array with all the keys if that helps.


like image 291
user6127511 Avatar asked Apr 26 '16 01:04


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Can you iterate through a hash in Ruby?

Iterating over a HashYou can use the each method to iterate over all the elements in a Hash. However unlike Array#each , when you iterate over a Hash using each , it passes two values to the block: the key and the value of each element.

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Use #each to iterate over a hash.

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2 Answers

Pretty simple, really:

hash.each do |name, values|
  values.each do |value|
    # ...

You can do whatever you want with name and value at the lowest level.

like image 73
tadman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


If you are sure about the size of arrays, simply you can do like this,

ha = {:a => [1,2]}

ha.each do |k, (v1, v2)|
   p k
   p v1
   p v2

like image 35
YasirAzgar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
