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ruby instance_variable_get returns nil

I've a problem with the instance_variable_get method cause it's always returns nil object with one of my object instance. Here is my code:

logger.info "ASDF: " + @d_tree.inspect
logger.info "ASDF: " + @d_tree.instance_variable_get(:@content);

and the output is:

ASDF: #<DTree id: 11, parent_id: nil, content: "bababababa", subsidiary_info: "", deep_info: "blabla", title: "hello", direction: 1, created_at: "2010-10-26 19:27:32", updated_at: "2010-11-01 23:14:31", color: 2, cell_color: 2, howtoinfo: "howtoinfooo", textinfo: "textInfooo", locationinfo: "locationInfoooo", productinfo: "productinfoooo">
TypeError (can't convert nil into String):
    /app/controllers/d_trees_controller.rb:38:in `+'

According to the inspect the object seems to be fine, but the instance_variable_get returns a nil object

Thanks for your help!

like image 767
seriakillaz Avatar asked Nov 02 '10 13:11


2 Answers


It should return the value of the instance variable or nil if the instance variable is not set.

for example

we define the following class

  class Velpradeep
    def initialize(mark1, mark2)
      @m, @s = mark1, mark2

During creation of the object of the class

obj = Velpradeep.new(98,96)

Then we can access the instance variables by using :

irb(main):046:0> obj.instance_variable_get(:@m)
=> 98

Access the undefined instance variables defined in the initialize method

irb(main):047:0> obj.instance_variable_get(:@p)
=> nil # provides nil bcz the instance variable is not defined 

If you want to access the variable before you need to set the instance variable using


example :

irb(main):048:0> obj.instance_variable_set(:@p, 99)
=> 99

Then we can use, it will return the value of the instance variable....

irb(main):049:0> obj.instance_variable_get(:@p)
=> 99
like image 141
vel pradeep.MS Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11

vel pradeep.MS

Although it's considered bad form to grab instance variables like this directly, as using attr_accessor is the preferred method, the problem in this particular instance is that there is no instance variable called @content. What you have appears to be an ActiveRecord attribute.

These are fetched using a different mechanism:


Generally this is even a little redundant as this will needlessly create a copy of the attributes hash. The typical way to access is:


These values are actually located in the @attributes instance variable managed by ActiveRecord.

like image 38
tadman Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 16:11
