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Ruby - Inserting entries from CSV into database

I have an uploaded CSV file, which I parse like so:

CSV.foreach(@my_file.file.path) do |row|
    puts row[1]

The incoming CSV file has at least the following columns: "id", "name", "number", "phone", and "food".

I would like to do something like:

CSV.foreach(@my_file.file.path) do |row|
     //find the columns in "row" associated with "id", "name", "number"
     //even though I don't know definitively which column they will be in
     //for example, "name" may be the 2nd or 3rd or 4th column (etc)

     //insert into my_table values(id, name, number)


Note that the CSV file will always have column names as the first row, however from file to file, the ordering of those columns may differ.

like image 759
CodeGuy Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 12:12


2 Answers

Here's a snippet of code that will collect only the fields you care about into an array of hashes:

require 'csv'

fields_to_insert = %w{ id name food number phone }
rows_to_insert = []

CSV.foreach("stuff.csv", headers: true) do |row|
  row_to_insert = row.to_hash.select { |k, v| fields_to_insert.include?(k) }
  rows_to_insert << row_to_insert

Given the following contents of stuff.csv:


rows_to_insert will contain:


I'd take that and use activerecord-import to insert them all at once:


You could insert the records one at a time in the CSV loop, but that's inefficient, and because id is normally a protected attribute, you can't mass-assign it, so you'd have to do this to insert a single record:

some_model = SomeModel.new(row_to_insert.select { |k, v| k != "id" }
some_model.id = row_to_insert["id"]

...or something similar.

like image 53
Jim Stewart Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 10:01

Jim Stewart

If the first row are the header names you can use the :headers => true option to parse in order to use the first row as keys for the data.

text = File.read(@my_file.file.path)
csv = CSV.parse(text, :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|
  row = row.to_hash.with_indifferent_access
like image 43
Richard Brown Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 08:01

Richard Brown