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Ruby: How to use dup/clone to not mutate an original instance variable?



Learning Ruby, I'm creating a Battleship project and I have the following code as an instance method for a class "Board" I'm creating.

def hidden_ships_grid
    hidden_s_grid = @grid.dup 
    hidden_s_grid.each_with_index do |sub_array, i|
        sub_array.each_with_index do |el, j|
            # position = [i, j]
            hidden_s_grid[i][j] = :N if el == :S 

Basically this method would create another instance of a @grid variable that would replace every :S symbol with a :N instead.

The RSPEC has two requirements: 1) "should return a 2D array representing the grid where every :S is replaced with an :N" and 2) "should not mutate the original @grid".

My problem is that my above code satisfies the first requirement, but it breaks the second requirement. Can someone please explain to me what is causing the original @grid file to be mutated? I've gone through the code 15 times over and I can't see where I rewrite or reassign the original @grid variable.

The "correct" solution provided to us uses ".map" which is fine, but I want to understand why this solution isn't working and ends up mutating the original @grid variable.

  1) Board PART 2 #hidden_ships_grid should not mutate the original @grid
     Failure/Error: expect(board.instance_variable_get(:@grid)).to eq([[:S, :N],[:X, :S]])

       expected: [[:S, :N], [:X, :S]]
            got: [[:N, :N], [:X, :N]]

       (compared using ==)

       @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
       -[[:S, :N], [:X, :S]]
       +[[:N, :N], [:X, :N]]
like image 378
user1832897 Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 09:01


1 Answers

This is a common newbie mistake.


a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a.dup
  #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b[0] = 'cat'
  #=> "cat" 
b #=> ["cat", 2, 3] 
a #=> [1, 2, 3] 

This is exactly what you were expecting and hoping for. Now consider the following.

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b = a.dup
  #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b[0] = 'cat'
b #=> ["cat", [3, 4]] 
a #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 

Again, this is the desired result. One more:

a = [[1,2], [3,4]]
b = a.dup
  #=> [[1,2], [3,4]]
b[0][0] = 'cat'
b #=> [["cat", 2], [3, 4]] 
a #=> [["cat", 2], [3, 4]] 

Aarrg! This is the problem that you experienced. To see what's happening here, let's look the id's of the various objects that make up a and b. Recall that every Ruby object has a unique Object#id.

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b = a.dup
  #=> [48959475855260, 48959475855240] 
  #=> [48959475855260, 48959475855240] 
b[0] = 'cat'
b #=> ["cat", [3, 4]] 
a #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 
  #=> [48959476667580, 48959475855240] 

Here we simply replace b[0], which initially was the object a[0] with a different object ('cat') which of course has a different id. That does not affect a. (In the following I will give just the last three digits of id's. If two are the same the entire id is the same.) Now consider the following.

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b = a.dup
  #=> [...620, ...600] 
  #=> [...620, ...600] 
b[0][0] = 'cat'
  #=> "cat" 
b #=> [["cat", 2], [3, 4]] 
a #=> [["cat", 2], [3, 4]] 
  #=> [...620, ...600] 
  #=> [...620, ...600] 

We see that the elements of a and b are the same objects as they were before executing b[0][0] = 'cat'. That assignment, however, altered the value of the object whose id is ...620, which explains why a, as well as b, was altered.

To avoid modifying a we need to do the following.

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b = a.dup.map(&:dup) # same as a.dup.map { |arr| arr.dup }
  #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 
  #=> [...180, ...120] 
  #=> [...080, ...040] 

Now the elements of b are different objects than those of a, so any changes to b will not affect a:

b[0][0] = 'cat'
  #=> "cat" 
b #=> [["cat", 2], [3, 4]] 
a #=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]  

If we had

a = [[1, [2, 3]], [[4, 5], 6]]

we would need to dup to three levels:

b = a.map { |arr0| arr0.dup.map { |arr1| arr1.dup } }
  #=> [[1, [2, 3]], [[4, 5], 6]] 
b[0][1][0] = 'cat'
b #=> [[1, ["cat", 3]], [[4, 5], 6]] 
a #=> [[1, [2, 3]], [[4, 5], 6]]

and so on.

like image 75
Cary Swoveland Avatar answered Feb 02 '23 00:02

Cary Swoveland