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Ruby, how to reference Root namespace?




When I have a module like this:

module MyModule
  class MyClass

I can access/modify MyModule referencing it:

MyModule.const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")

But what about the Root namespace, the :: one?, I'm looking for something like:

::.const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")

The const_set thing is just an example, please don't try to solve this concrete situation but the way of actually making reference to the Root namespace

like image 973
fguillen Avatar asked Jan 21 '14 15:01


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1 Answers

What is the root object? If you mean main object, you can't set constant at this level:

TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self').const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")
# NoMethodError: undefined method `const_set' for main:Object
#   from (irb):71
#   from /home/malo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

If you mean Object object, do as follows:

Object.const_set("MY_CONSTANT", "value")
# => "value"

then you can use at the main, or at any other level:

# => "value"

Adding another confirmation

We can set a constant using Kernel or using Object and in both cases the constant will be accessible from the root namespace:

Kernel.const_set("KERNEL_CONSTANT", "value")
Object.const_set("OBJECT_CONSTANT", "value")

puts !!(defined? ::KERNEL_CONSTANT) # => true
puts !!(defined? ::OBJECT_CONSTANT) # => true

But if we set a constant in the root namespace this constant is actually set in Object and not in Kernel:

::ROOT_CONSTANT = "value"

puts !!(defined? Object::ROOT_CONSTANT) # => true
puts !!(defined? Kernel::ROOT_CONSTANT) # => false
like image 187
Малъ Скрылевъ Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Малъ Скрылевъ