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Ruby: how to decorate a method with memoization?

Suppose I have a class in Ruby:

class Test
  def method(arg1, arg2)
    return arg1+arg2

  memoize :method

And I want to memoize its results. So for debug purposes I modified the class like this:

class Test
  def method(arg1, arg2)
    puts 'sth to make sure the method was executed'
    return arg1+arg2

And wrote a test that calls the method with same args, to see what get's outputted... and well the method is not memoized. What's the correct way to do this?

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dahpgjgamgan Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 16:02


1 Answers

memoize :method inside the class body, memoizes the method Test.method. However you want to memoize the instance method Test#method. To do this use memoize :method inside Test's initialize method. (Make sure you include the Memoize module into Test first).

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sepp2k Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 11:03
