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Ruby gui for Desktop apps [closed]

After long hours googling around, I'm wondering if there really exists a maintained gui based on Ruby.

Here are the one I checked:

  • Shoes: I'm not feeling like I could create rock solid platform with it

  • Cocoa and MacRuby: no fresh news, almost no tutorial

  • Qt4Ruby: same as above

  • FxRuby has almost no update

  • ...

To be short, I've looked at all gui presented here but am not convinced...


  • Am I unable to find the proper doc for Cocoa and Qt? (I'd like it to be the answer!)

  • Is there any strong community based on a maintained Ruby gui? (please say yes again!)

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apneadiving Avatar asked May 28 '11 20:05


2 Answers

MacRuby isn't a GUI. MacRuby is an implementation of Ruby that instead of C, makes use of modern tools like LLVM and an Objective-C implementation. This eventually allows it to communicate with Cocoa, with a "bridge".

It's a work in progress. Current version is 0.10; and the last source activity was 7 hours ago right at this moment, so I don't see the point of saying "no fresh news".

Regarding "almost no tutorial", have you checked the home page? The area called Documentation has many of tutorials, screencasts, recipes and these things.

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sidyll Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11


There are several threads on stackoverflow about QT or WX and Ruby.

You might also want to check out Bowline. A Ruby desktop framework.

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berkes Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11
