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Ruby equivalent to "grep -C 5" to get context of lines around the match?

I've searched for this a bit but I must be using the wrong terms - does ruby have a way to grep for a string/regex and also return the surrounding 5 lines (above and below)? I know I could just call "grep -C 5 ..."or even write my own method, but it seems like something ruby would have and I'm just not using the right search terms.

like image 746
wonderfulthunk Avatar asked May 03 '10 19:05


2 Answers

You can do it with a regular expression. Here's the string we want to search:

s = %{The first line
The second line
The third line
The fourth line
The fifth line
The sixth line
The seventh line
The eight line
The ninth line
The tenth line

EOL is "\n" for me, but for you it might be "\r\n". I'll stick it in a constant:

EOL = '\n'

To simplify the regular expression, we'll define the pattern for "context" just once:

CONTEXT = "((?:.*#{EOL}){#{CONTEXT_LINES}})"

And we'll search for any line containing the word "fifth." Note that this regular expression must grab the entire line, including the end-of-line, for it to work:

regexp = /.*fifth.*#{EOL}/

Finally, do the search and show the results:

s =~ /^#{CONTEXT}(#{regexp})#{CONTEXT}/
before, match, after = $1, $2, $3
p before    # => "The third line\nThe fourth line\n"
p match     # => "The fifth line\n"
p after     # => "The sixth line\nThe seventh line\n"
like image 135
Wayne Conrad Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

Wayne Conrad

Thanks for the contextual grep. I thought I might add, that for when the match comes near the top or bottom and you still want all the lines you can get even without all CONTEXT_LINES lines available, you could change the definition of CONTEXT to be as follows:

CONTEXT = "((?:.*#{EOL}){0,#{CONTEXT_LINES}})"

By default, matches are greedy, so if part or all of CONTEXT_LINES lines available, that's what you'll grab.

like image 2
Richard Ryan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

Richard Ryan