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ruby Date.month with a leading zero




I have a Date object in Ruby.

When I do myobj.month I get 8. How do I get the date's month with a leading zero such as 08.

Same idea with day.

What I am trying to get at the end is 2015/08/05.

like image 955
Nathan H Avatar asked Nov 29 '15 11:11

Nathan H

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1 Answers

There is the possibility of using a formated string output


puts sprintf('%02i', 8)
puts '%02i' % 8

%02i is the format for 2 digits width integer (number) with leading zeros. Details can be found in the documentation for sprintf

In your specific case with a date, you can just use the Time#strftime od Date#strftime method:

require 'time'
puts Time.new(2015,8,1).strftime("%m")
like image 193
knut Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
