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RSpec: Stub chains with arguments?

Just wondering if/how arguments can be passed in rspec stub chains. To give an example, suppose I have the following action:

def index
  @payments = Payment.order(:updated_at).where(:paid => true)
  @bad_payments = Payment.order(:some_other_field).where(:paid => false)

In my controller spec, I'd like to be able to stub out both methods and return different results. If only the @payments field were in the action I'd use something like

Payment.stub_chain(:order, :where) { return_this }

But of course, that will return the same value for @bad_payments.

So - in short, how do I include the :updated_at and :paid => true as stub conditions?

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PlankTon Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 23:11


3 Answers

You can use this:

Payment.stub_chain(:order, :where).with(:updated_at).with(:paid => true) { return_this }
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Elad Maimon Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Elad Maimon

With rspec > 3 use this syntax:

expect(Converter).to receive_message_chain("new.update_value").with('test').with(no_args)

instead of stub_chain.

Read more about message chains in the documenation. And here is the argument matchers documentation.

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czerasz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10


You can use nested stub block. The block can accept arguments, and the return value is used as function return value.

I use tap because stub does not returns the callee. The mock created by double is returned as the result of method order, which where method is stub again.

Payment.stub(:order) { |order|
  double('ordered_payments').tap { |proxy|
    proxy.stub(:where) { |where|
      [order, where]

Payment.order(:updated_at).where(:paid => true)
# => returns [:updated_at, {:paid => true}]
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Ian Yang Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Ian Yang