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Rspec: Should be (this or that)




What would be the best way to write the rspec in a situation where either of two (or more) outcomes are acceptable?

Here's an example of what I want to do. This is obviously wrong (I think), but it should give you the gist of what I'm trying to accomplish:

it "should be heads or tails" do   h="heads"   t="tails"   flip_coin.should be(h || t) end 

And yes, I'm aware I could write my own rspec matcher "should_be_one_or_the_other(option1,option2)", but that seems a bit much - I was hoping for a better solution.

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GlyphGryph Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 21:10


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1 Answers

ActiveSupport provides Object#in? method. You can combine it with RSpec and simply use the following:

flip_coin.should be_in(["heads", "tails"]) 

Or with new Rspec 3 syntax:

expect(flip_coin).to be_in(["heads", "tails"]) 
like image 189
Sergey Potapov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Sergey Potapov