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R/Shiny plots do not show in the browser

I started playing with Shiny recently. I was trying to write something to demonstrate central limit theorem. my code is as follows:


#****************************************ui.R file code*****************************

shinyUI(pageWithSidebar(headerPanel("Central Limit Theorem"),
                                                 list("normal", "lognormal")),
                                                              "Sample size:", 
                                                              min = 5, 
                                                              max = 500, 
                                                              value = 5)
                        mainPanel(tabPanel("Plot", plotOutput("plot")))


#****************************************server.R file code**************************
shinyServer(function(input, output){
        data <- reactive(function(){Distribution <- switch(input$Distribution,
                                                           normal = rnorm,
                                                           lognormal = rlnorm,

        output$plot <- reactive(function(){
                            Distribution <- input$Distribution
                            sam_size <- input$sam_size
                            temp <- matrix(data(), ncol=2000)
                            xbars <- colMeans(temp)
                            hist(xbars, main=paste("Sampling Distribution of the Mean Based on a", Distribution,
                         "distribution with n =", sam_size))})

When I tried to run the code using runApp(), below is what I got. As you can see, the plot is not displayed.

enter image description here

The weird part is that, when I went back to my Rstudio, and pressed "Esc" to exit the app, the plot displayed in my Rstudio as shown below:

enter image description here

I wonder if anyone knows what the problem is with my code. Thanks!!

like image 945
Alex Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 18:01


1 Answers

You want to wrap your plotting function with reactivePlot(...), rather than just reactive(...).

In general, reactive(...) should be used for helper functions in your server that deliver input-dependent data to output functions. Functions that actually generate output objects, however, should be wrapped with the specialized reactive functions, such as reactiveText, reactivePrint, reactiveTable, and reactivePlot.

like image 134
Matthew Plourde Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 06:01

Matthew Plourde