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Row/column counter in 'apply' functions




What if one wants to apply a functon i.e. to each row of a matrix, but also wants to use as an argument for this function the number of that row. As an example, suppose you wanted to get the n-th root of the numbers in each row of a matrix, where n is the row number. Is there another way (using apply only) than column-binding the row numbers to the initial matrix, like this?

test <- data.frame(x=c(26,21,20),y=c(34,29,28))  t(apply(cbind(as.numeric(rownames(test)),test),1,function(x) x[2:3]^(1/x[1]))) 

P.S. Actually if test was really a matrix : test <- matrix(c(26,21,20,34,29,28),nrow=3) , rownames(test) doesn't help :( Thank you.

like image 484
Brani Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 14:03


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1 Answers

What I usually do is to run sapply on the row numbers 1:nrow(test) instead of test, and use test[i,] inside the function:

t(sapply(1:nrow(test), function(i) test[i,]^(1/i))) 

I am not sure this is really efficient, though.

like image 63
Aniko Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10
