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Row number per group in mysql



I want to produce query result base on this scenario that can create row number according to crew_id and type.

id   crew_id   amount    type  1      4       1000      AUB  2      4       1500      AUB  3      5       8000      CA  4      4       1000      CA  5      5       1000      AUB  6      6       3000      AUB  7      4       2000      CA  8      6       3500      AUB  9      4       5000      AUB  10     5       9000      CA  11     5       1000      CA 

OUTPUT must be the ff:

id    crew_id   amount   type    row_number  1      4       1000      AUB        1      2      4       1500      AUB        2   9      4       5000      AUB        3  4      4       1000      CA         1  7      4       2000      CA         2  5      5       1000      AUB        1  3      5       8000      CA         1  10     5       9000      CA         2  11     5       1000      CA         3  6      6       3000      AUB        1  6      6       3000      AUB        2 

I want a single select statement only in this output

like image 754
user1852837 Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 05:07


People also ask

How do I count rows in MySQL by group?

So, if you want to count quantity of groups, not quantity of elements in each group, and return duplicate value to every group record in result table, you should use OVER() clause on you'r count function.

What is ROW_NUMBER () in MySQL?

The ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL is used to returns the sequential number for each row within its partition. It is a kind of window function. The row number starts from 1 to the number of rows present in the partition.

Is ROW_NUMBER () available in MySQL?

MySQL introduced the ROW_NUMBER() function since version 8.0. The ROW_NUMBER() is a window function or analytic function that assigns a sequential number to each row in the result set.

Can we use group by in ROW_NUMBER?

SQL Server Row_Number group by And based upon that partition, Row_Number() function will assign the integer values to each record starting from 1. And on the other side, the Group By statement in SQL Server is used to group rows that have the same values.

2 Answers

Please go through my fiddle

This One Last Tried

    SELECT    id,               crew_id,               amount,               type,              (                  CASE type                  WHEN @curType                  THEN @curRow := @curRow + 1                  ELSE @curRow := 1 AND @curType := type END               ) + 1 AS rank     FROM      Table1 p,               (SELECT @curRow := 0, @curType := '') r    ORDER BY  crew_id,type asc; 
like image 170
Janty Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10


The question is quite old. But I would like to post it in case someone will have a same problem.

First of all, described answers do not work correct. For example, for

id   crew_id   amount    type 1      4       1000      AUB 2      4       1500      AUB 5      5       1000      AUB 6      6       3000      AUB 8      6       3500      AUB 9      4       5000      AUB 

(I just removed rows with type 'CA') the result table will be

id   crew_id   amount    rank   type 1      4       1000      1      AUB 2      4       1500      2      AUB 9      4       5000      3      AUB 5      5       1000      4      AUB 6      6       3000      5      AUB 8      6       3500      6      AUB 

So in fact it doesn't use both crew_id and type, it just uses type.

Here is how I solved this problem (probably there is a more elegant way to do it than use two nested 'CASE's, but you get the idea):

SELECT id,     amount,     CASE crew_id          WHEN @curCrewId THEN             CASE type                  WHEN @curType THEN @curRow := @curRow + 1                  ELSE @curRow := 1             END         ELSE @curRow :=1     END AS rank,     @curCrewId := crew_id AS crew_id,     @curType := type AS type FROM Table1 p JOIN (SELECT @curRow := 0, @curCrewId := 0, @curType := '') r ORDER BY crew_id, type 

The main idea remain. I just added a variable @curCrewId. If someone need to use 3 variables for grouping, so just use 3 variables and 3 nested 'CASE's. :)

like image 24
Rustam Guliev Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Rustam Guliev