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Routing API Views in Django Rest Framework?


Is there any common pattern for routing APIViews (ie, not ViewSets) with Django Rest Framework?

For example, if I've got an API View that takes an optional argument:

class ReportView(APIView):     def get(self, request, report_name=None):          # … stuff …          return Response(report) 

Is there any standard pattern — apart from writing out a standard Django URL router — for routing that view?

like image 833
David Wolever Avatar asked Sep 15 '13 22:09

David Wolever

People also ask

What is router in Django REST framework?

Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a given resourceful controller. Instead of declaring separate routes for your index... a resourceful route declares them in a single line of code.

What is the use of views in Django REST framework?

Django views facilitate processing the HTTP requests and providing HTTP responses. On receiving an HTTP request, Django creates an HttpRequest instance, and it is passed as the first argument to the view function. This instance contains HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.

What is difference between Api_view and ViewSet?

APIView allow us to define functions that match standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, etc. Viewsets allow us to define functions that match to common API object actions like : LIST, CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE, etc.

What is Viewsets Modelviewset?

A ViewSet class is simply a type of class-based View, that does not provide any method handlers such as . get() or . post() , and instead provides actions such as . list() and . create() .

1 Answers

Being able to add simple API views is quite useful for displaying the urls in root-api view.

Here is the simplest extension of DefaultRouter that enables registering not only viewsets but also simple API views:

from django.conf.urls import url from rest_framework import routers, viewsets from rest_framework.urlpatterns import format_suffix_patterns  class DefaultRouterWithSimpleViews(routers.DefaultRouter):     """     Extends functionality of DefaultRouter adding possibility     to register simple API views, not just Viewsets.     """      def get_routes(self, viewset):         """         Checks if the viewset is an instance of ViewSet,         otherwise assumes it's a simple view and does not run         original `get_routes` code.         """         if issubclass(viewset, viewsets.ViewSetMixin):             return super(DefaultRouterWithSimpleViews, self).get_routes(viewset)          return []      def get_urls(self):         """         Append non-viewset views to the urls         generated by the original `get_urls` method.         """             # URLs for simple views         ret = []         for prefix, viewset, basename in self.registry:              # Skip viewsets             if issubclass(viewset, viewsets.ViewSetMixin):                 continue              # URL regex             regex = '{prefix}{trailing_slash}$'.format(                 prefix=prefix,                 trailing_slash=self.trailing_slash             )              # The view name has to have suffix "-list" due to specifics             # of the DefaultRouter implementation.             ret.append(url(                 regex, viewset.as_view(),                 name='{0}-list'.format(basename)             ))          # Format suffixes         ret = format_suffix_patterns(ret, allowed=['json', 'html'])          # Prepend URLs for viewsets and return         return super(DefaultRouterWithSimpleViews, self).get_urls() + ret 

Now you can use simple Django views alongside with the rest framework ViewSets:

router = DefaultRouterWithSimpleViews() router.register(r'users', UserViewSet, 'users')                # <- Viewset!          router.register(r'reset-pwd', ResetPasswordView, 'reset_pwd')  # <- Simple view! urlpatterns = router.urls 

Update: Added support of format suffixes (thanks to alexander-klimenko)

like image 109
David Avsajanishvili Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

David Avsajanishvili