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Round up final output in jquery

I have the following code. Works beautifully apart from i want the final tinstotal variable to be rounded up to the nearest 1 (2.04 being rounded up to 3 etc)


// Animate logo

// Calculation Scripts
// Square Metres
var output = $('#SquareMetres'),
    tinoutput = $('#Tins'),
    priceoutput = $('#Price');
$('input[type="text"]').keyup(function() {
var width = parseFloat( $('#width').val()),
    height = parseFloat( $('#height').val()),
    result = height * width / 10000,
    finalresult = result.toFixed(2);
if (isNaN(result)) return;


// Tins
var tinmetres = 32.5,
    tinprice = 18.23,
    tinsresult = finalresult / tinmetres;
    tinstotal = tinsresult.toFixed(2);


var price = tinstotal * tinprice,
    totalprice = price.toFixed(2);



the script is active here at http://andyholmes.me/sitewizard/index.html in the red box near the bottom. Hope you guys can help, thanks!

like image 397
Andy Holmes Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 11:11

Andy Holmes

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Video Answer

2 Answers

tinstotal = Math.ceil(tinsresult);

Math.ceil() will round to the next whole number

like image 76
Kami Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


use javascript Math.round()

var a = Math.round(2.60);
var b = Math.round(-2.60);
var c = Math.round(2.49);

Result : 
alert(a); => 3
alert(b); => -3
alert(c); => 2

Hope is helps you.

like image 34
Phoenix Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
