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Round a variable up to the next closest multiple of X

I'm looking for a way to round up a number to the next closest multiple of 250. So for example if I had the following JS:

var containerHeight = $("#container").height();

...And we imagine the value of "containerHeight" was 680px, I would want a way to round up to 750px (if the value was 1007, it should round up to 1250). I suspect this requires a solution that is more complex than I anticipate. Or perhaps jQuery has a built in function that will make this feasible?

I suppose this is more of a math question than it is a jQuery question (but my jQuery syntax knowledge is also a bit limited :)

Any ideas / bits of help are greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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LearnWebCode Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 16:02


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1 Answers

containerHeight = Math.ceil(containerHeight / 250.0) * 250;
like image 100
James McLaughlin Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

James McLaughlin