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Rotating RDS secrets in AWS with open connections

If secrets are rotated while a connection to RDS is currently open, will that connection still be able to query the database, or will it become inactive?

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foobarbaz Avatar asked Jan 08 '19 15:01


People also ask

Which AWS service allows a user to rotate manage and retrieve secrets?

AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycles.

Can AWS secrets manager rotate access keys?

Secrets Manager is relatively new, so you may not have heard of it before. Obviously, it's a secrets management service. It enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle.

What is secret rotation AWS?

PDF. Rotation is the process of periodically updating a secret. When you rotate a secret, you update the credentials in both the secret and the database or service. In Secrets Manager, you can set up automatic rotation for your secrets.

What AWS service is used to store secrets and has automated secret rotation?

You can use the AWS managed key ( aws/secretsmanager ) that Secrets Manager creates to encrypt your secrets for free. If you create your own KMS keys to encrypt your secrets, AWS charges you at the current AWS KMS rate. For more information, see AWS Key Management Service pricing .

1 Answers

If you rotate the password for a user account, users will be cut off from the database until they fetch the new password.

A common strategy is to have two user accounts (user1 and user2) and rotate their passwords on a staggered schedule. The credentials for user1 will still work while the clients detect user2 and start using it. Note for this to be effective the clients will have to check for updated credentials periodically.


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myron-semack Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
