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Rotating a two dimensional array by 90 degrees

I am studying this piece of code on rotating an NxN matrix; I have traced the program countless times, and I sort of understand how the actual rotation happens. It basically rotates the corners first and the elements after the corners in a clockwise direction. I just do not understand a couple of lines, and the code is still not "driven home" in my brain, so to speak. Please help. I am rotating it 90 degrees, given a 4x4 matrix as my tracing example.




public static void rotate(int[][] matrix, int n){
  for(int layer=0; layer < n/2; ++layer) {
     int first=layer; //It moves from the outside in. 
     int last=n-1-layer; //<--This I do not understand  
     for(int i=first; i<last;++i){
       int offset=i-first; //<--A bit confusing for me

       //save the top left of the matrix 
       int top = matrix[first][i];

       //shift left to top; 
       /*I understand that it needs
        last-offset so that it will go up the column in the matrix,
       and first signifies it's in the first column*/

       //shift bottom to left 
        /*I understand that it needs
        last-offset so that the number decreases and it may go up the column (first 
        last-offset) and left (latter). */

       //shift right to bottom
        /*I understand that it i so that in the next iteration, it moves down 
        the column*/        

       //rightmost top corner

like image 698
Marie Lucy Avatar asked Dec 30 '10 12:12

Marie Lucy

People also ask

How do you rotate a 2d matrix 90 degrees?

Rotate Matrix 90 Degree Clockwise or Right Rotation The rotation of a matrix involves two steps: First, find the transpose of the given matrix. Swap the elements of the first column with the last column (if the matrix is of 3*3). The second column remains the same.

What is the rotation matrix for 90 degrees?

A positive 90° rotation around the y-axis (left) after one around the z-axis (middle) gives a 120° rotation around the main diagonal (right). In the top left corner are the rotation matrices, in the bottom right corner are the corresponding permutations of the cube with the origin in its center.

1 Answers

It's easier to understand an algorithm like this if you draw a diagram, so I made a quick pic in Paint to demonstrate for a 5x5 matrix :D

The outer for(int layer=0; layer < n/2; ++layer) loop iterates over the layers from outside to inside. The outer layer (layer 0) is depicted by coloured elements. Each layer is effectively a square of elements requiring rotation. For n = 5, layer will take on values from 0 to 1 as there are 2 layers since we can ignore the centre element/layer which is unaffected by rotation. first and last refer to the first and last rows/columns of elements for a layer; e.g. layer 0 has elements from Row/Column first = 0 to last = 4 and layer 1 from Row/Column 1 to 3.

Then for each layer/square, the inner for(int i=first; i<last;++i) loop rotates it by rotating 4 elements in each iteration. Offset represents how far along the sides of the square we are. For our 5x5 below, we first rotate the red elements (offset = 0), then yellow (offset = 1), then green and blue. Arrows 1-5 demonstrate the 4-element rotation for the red elements, and 6+ for the rest which are performed in the same fashion. Note how the 4-element rotation is essentially a 5-assignment circular swap with the first assignment temporarily putting aside an element. The //save the top left of the matrix comment for this assignment is misleading since matrix[first][i] isn't necessarily the top left of the matrix or even the layer for that matter. Also, note that the row/column indexes of elements being rotated are sometimes proportional to offset and sometimes proportional to its inverse, last - offset.

We move along the sides of the outer layer (delineated by first=0 and last=4) in this manner, then move onto the inner layer (first = 1 and last = 3) and do the same thing there. Eventually, we hit the centre and we're done.

alt text

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asdfjklqwer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
