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Rotate an image in java

I am looking to rotate an image. I have a JInternalFrame which contains a JLabel. The label contains the image. After the image has been rotated, I need to resize the internal frame. The code I have currently rotates the image, but there is black around the edges of the image and it is off centered. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

public void rotateIcon(int angle)
        int w = theLabel.getIcon().getIconWidth();
        int h = theLabel.getIcon().getIconHeight();
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;  // other options, see api

        BufferedImage DaImage = new BufferedImage(h, w, type);
        Graphics2D g2 = DaImage.createGraphics();

        double x = (h - w)/2.0;
        double y = (w - h)/2.0;
        AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);

        at.rotate(Math.toRadians(angle), w/2.0, h/2.0);
        g2.drawImage(new ImageIcon(getData()).getImage(), at, theLabel);

        theLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(DaImage));
        this.setSize(DaImage.getWidth(),DaImage.getHeight()); //resize the frame
like image 614
user489041 Avatar asked Nov 11 '10 16:11


People also ask

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You can rotate a Shape-derived object, such as a Rectangle2D by using the AffineTransform method, createTransformedShape(...) . Rectangle2D myRect = new Rectangle2D. Double(100, 100, 200, 200); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.

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Images can be from a static source, such as a JPEG file, or a dynamic one, such as a video stream or a graphics engine. AWT Images are created with the getImage() and createImage() methods of the java. awt. Toolkit class.

3 Answers

You need to be using trigonometry to determine the correct width/height, using transparency to prevent the black area, and I think the Transform is wrong, which is making it off center.

Try this:

public static BufferedImage rotate(BufferedImage image, double angle) {
    double sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)), cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle));
    int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight();
    int neww = (int)Math.floor(w*cos+h*sin), newh = (int) Math.floor(h * cos + w * sin);
    GraphicsConfiguration gc = getDefaultConfiguration();
    BufferedImage result = gc.createCompatibleImage(neww, newh, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
    Graphics2D g = result.createGraphics();
    g.translate((neww - w) / 2, (newh - h) / 2);
    g.rotate(angle, w / 2, h / 2);
    g.drawRenderedImage(image, null);
    return result;

private static GraphicsConfiguration getDefaultConfiguration() {
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
    return gd.getDefaultConfiguration();

from http://flyingdogz.wordpress.com/2008/02/11/image-rotate-in-java-2-easier-to-use/

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Reverend Gonzo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

Reverend Gonzo

Based on a previous example, but actually working with recent JDKs and in headless mode:

public static BufferedImage rotate(BufferedImage image, double angle) {
    double sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)), cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle));
    int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight();
    int neww = (int)Math.floor(w*cos+h*sin), newh = (int) Math.floor(h * cos + w * sin);
    BufferedImage result = deepCopy(image, false);
    Graphics2D g = result.createGraphics();
    g.translate((neww - w) / 2, (newh - h) / 2);
    g.rotate(angle, w / 2, h / 2);
    g.drawRenderedImage(image, null);
    return result;

public static BufferedImage deepCopy(BufferedImage bi, boolean copyPixels) {
    ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel();
    boolean isAlphaPremultiplied = cm.isAlphaPremultiplied();
    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster().createCompatibleWritableRaster();
    if (copyPixels) {
    return new BufferedImage(cm, raster, isAlphaPremultiplied, null);
like image 43
user1050755 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10


You could try using a Rotated Icon.

like image 42
camickr Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10
