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Rolling Index (Dynamic index name) In Spring Data Elasticsearch

I have a usecase wherein I want to index my document in a separate index based on certain condition. For example, I want to store invoice document to an index with department name suffixed with it.

@Document(indexName="store_{department}", indexStoreType="invoice")
public class InvoiceES{

    // fields
    private String id;
    private String department;

Is it possible to achieve this using Spring Data?

If not, is it planned in coming releases of Spring Data?

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Vishal Shukla Avatar asked Jun 20 '14 18:06

Vishal Shukla

2 Answers

As far as the spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch-1.5, you can achieve it by spring el expression:

Department department() {
    return new Department();

@Document(indexName="store_#{department.name()}", indexStoreType="invoice")
public class InvoiceES{}

You can change the bean's property to change the index you want to save/search:

    invoiceRepo.save(new Invoice(...));
    invoiceRepo.save(new Invoice(...));

What should be noticed is not to share this bean in multiple thread, which may mess up your index.

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Tony Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10


I had to solve similar problem to store data with dynamic index name, consisting of current date: "Index-name-YYYY.MM.DD".

I made a component which has getter of formatted date string:

public class ElasticIndex {

    private static final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.MM.dd");

    public String getIndexDate() {
        return formatter.format(LocalDate.now());

Thus, your document class will be like that:

@Document(indexName = "my_data-#{elasticIndex.getIndexDate()}", type = "DataDoc")
public class DataDoc {

    private String id;
    private String dataToStore;

So each time you save/delete/etc new document to your elasticsearch repository, it gets index name from getIndexDate method of ElasticIndex bean.

Works on Spring Boot 2.2.5, Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.2.5

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Pavel Krutikhin Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Pavel Krutikhin