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Ripple with rounded corners Jetpack Compose

In this answer I got wrong ripple animation. Do you know how to create ripple with rounded corners using Jetpack Compose?

With default ripple I have this:


Card(shape = RoundedCornerShape(30.dp),
        border = BorderStroke(width = 2.dp, color = buttonColor(LocalContext.current)),
        backgroundColor = backColor(LocalContext.current),
        modifier = Modifier
                interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
                indication = rememberRipple(radius = 30.dp)
            ) { show = !show }
    ) { ... } //Show is animation of other element.

//If I put radius of ripple 200 dp(it's a height of card) ripple works not normal.

like image 995
Renattele Renattele Avatar asked Mar 26 '21 15:03

Renattele Renattele

3 Answers

Starting with 1.0.0-beta08 you can solve this issue using the onClick parameter in the Card instead of the clickable modifier:

Card(shape = RoundedCornerShape(30.dp),
    modifier = Modifier
    onClick = { show = !show }

Until 1.0.0-beta07 applying a .clickable modifier to the Card the ripples aren't clipped by the bounds of the layout.

As workaround you can apply the .clickable modifier to the content of the Card (for example a Box):

        shape = RoundedCornerShape(30.dp),
        border = BorderStroke(width = 2.dp, color = Color.Blue),
        backgroundColor = Color.White,
        modifier = Modifier

    ) {
                  onClick = { /* ...*/ }
like image 51
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Gabriele Mariotti

I've so far identified 2 options:

  1. In addition to setting the shape, use .clip modifier to clip the Card using the same shape:
    shape = RoundedCornerShape(30.dp),
    modifier = Modifier
        .clickable {
                //do something
) {
    Box {

The downside of this approach is that the elevation shadow gets clips as well, so your Card loses it's shadow.

  1. Set the .clickable on the Card content composable:
    shape = RoundedCornerShape(30.dp)
) {
        modifier = Modifier.clickable {
                //do something
    ) {
like image 17
Mauro Banze Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Mauro Banze

Hope this will grant you the easiest solution

Just add .clip(RoundedCornerShape(30.dp)) in the modifier parameter

Here is the full code :

Card(modifier = Modifier
    .clickable {
        // After click //
    }) { }
like image 3
A.I.Shakil Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
