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Ripley's K Function (Second order intensity function) Python




I am looking for Ripley's k function implementation in Python. But so far haven't been able to find any spatial modules implementing this in scipy or elsewhere.

I have created Voronoi tessellation of a fibre composite and need to perform analysis using Ripley's K and pair distribution functions compared to a Poisson distribution.

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like image 425
Mehtab Pathan Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 16:04

Mehtab Pathan

1 Answers

Solved my problem, this is for others looking to do same analysis.

Definitely recommend using R for spatial analysis. A transfer from python is simple because all you need is coordinates of your point pattern.

  1. Write a csv of x,y and z coordinates of your points using python

  2. R has good functionality of reading csv using command read.csv("filename"). Make sure the directory is set properly using setwd command.

  3. Convert the csv you just read to a ppp(point pattern which R understands) using as.ppp command.
  4. Continue to use Kest, Gest etc for required spatial analysis.


like image 51
Mehtab Pathan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Mehtab Pathan