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Rightmost occurrence string match in MySQL




I would like to extract the file extension from a field in MySQL that contains filenames. This means I need to find the final '.' character in the field and extract everything after that. The following code example partially works:

SELECT LCASE(RIGHT(filename, LENGTH(filename) - LOCATE('.', filename)))
  FROM mytable;

except that it falls down for cases where the file name contains more than one '.', where it extracts too much. In most programming languages I'd expect to find a function that gives me a rightmost match, but I can't find any such thing for MySQL, nor can I find any discussion from people who have had the same problem and found a workaround.

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Tim Martin Avatar asked Sep 17 '09 13:09

Tim Martin

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1 Answers

There is the substring_index function - it does exactly what you are looking for:

SELECT substring_index(filename, '.', -1) FROM mytable
like image 76
Martin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
