I am following the below code which I copied and converted from a stack overflow question.
I am getting internet speed however I am not sure, If I am doing right thing.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, NSURLConnectionDataDelegate{
var connection:NSURLConnection!
var length:Int!
var startTime:NSDate!
//let kMinimumMegabytesPerSecond: CGFloat = 1
let kMaximumElapsedTime: CGFloat = 2.0
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
func testDownloadSpeed() {
var url: NSURL = NSURL(string: "http://thewallpaperhost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/wallpapers-hd-8000-8331-hd-wallpapers.jpg")!
var request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
self.startTime = NSDate()
self.length = 0
self.connection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: self)
let delayInSeconds:Int64 = 1000000000 * 2
var popTime:dispatch_time_t = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (Int64)(delayInSeconds ))
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), {() -> Void in
if let conn = self.connection {
self.connection = nil
func determineMegabytesPerSecond() -> CGFloat {
var elapsed: NSTimeInterval
if (startTime != nil) {
elapsed = NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)
var d = (Double(length) / elapsed)
var result = CGFloat( d/1024)
result = result * 0.0078125
result = result * 0.0009765625
return result
return -1
func useOnline() {
func useOffline() {
func connection(connection: NSURLConnection, didReceiveResponse response: NSURLResponse) {
NSLog("data came")
self.startTime = NSDate()
func connection(connection: NSURLConnection, didFailWithError error: NSError) {
if let conn = self.connection {
self.connection = nil
func connectionDidFinishLoading(connection: NSURLConnection) {
self.connection = nil
func connection(connection: NSURLConnection, didReceiveData data: NSData) {
self.length = self.length + data.length
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
I copied the code from below URL. It was in Objective C so I converted the code!
How to detect Network Signal Strength in iOS Reachability
You code snippet was taken from this answer. I've updated it to use URLSession
. The Swift rendition is below:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var startTime: CFAbsoluteTime!
var bytesReceived: Int = 0
var speedTestCompletionHandler: ((Result<Double, Error>) -> Void)?
override func viewDidLoad() {
testDownloadSpeed(timeout: 5) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error): print(error)
case .success(let megabytesPerSecond): print(megabytesPerSecond)
/// Test speed of download
/// Test the speed of a connection by downloading some predetermined resource. Alternatively, you could add the
/// URL of what to use for testing the connection as a parameter to this method.
/// - parameter timeout: The maximum amount of time for the request.
/// - parameter completionHandler: The block to be called when the request finishes (or times out).
/// The error parameter to this closure indicates whether there was an error downloading
/// the resource (other than timeout).
/// - note: Note, the timeout parameter doesn't have to be enough to download the entire
/// resource, but rather just sufficiently long enough to measure the speed of the download.
func testDownloadSpeed(timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Double, Error>) -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: "https://insert.your.site.here/yourfile")!
startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
bytesReceived = 0
speedTestCompletionHandler = completionHandler
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral
configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = timeout
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
session.dataTask(with: url).resume()
extension ViewController: URLSessionDataDelegate {
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
bytesReceived += data.count
extension ViewController: URLSessionDelegate {
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
let stopTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let elapsed = stopTime - startTime
guard elapsed != 0 && (error == nil || (error as? URLError)?.code == .timedOut) else {
speedTestCompletionHandler?(.failure(error ?? URLError(.unknown)))
let speed = elapsed != 0 ? Double(bytesReceived) / elapsed / 1024.0 / 1024.0 : -1
Here is the updated code in Swift 4.0
class SpeedTest: UIViewController, URLSessionDelegate, URLSessionDataDelegate {
typealias speedTestCompletionHandler = (_ megabytesPerSecond: Double? , _ error: Error?) -> Void
var speedTestCompletionBlock : speedTestCompletionHandler?
var startTime: CFAbsoluteTime!
var stopTime: CFAbsoluteTime!
var bytesReceived: Int!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
func checkForSpeedTest() {
testDownloadSpeedWithTimout(timeout: 5.0) { (speed, error) in
print("Download Speed:", speed ?? "NA")
print("Speed Test Error:", error ?? "NA")
func testDownloadSpeedWithTimout(timeout: TimeInterval, withCompletionBlock: @escaping speedTestCompletionHandler) {
guard let url = URL(string: "https://images.apple.com/v/imac-with-retina/a/images/overview/5k_image.jpg") else { return }
startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
stopTime = startTime
bytesReceived = 0
speedTestCompletionBlock = withCompletionBlock
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral
configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = timeout
let session = URLSession.init(configuration: configuration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
session.dataTask(with: url).resume()
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
bytesReceived! += data.count
stopTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
let elapsed = stopTime - startTime
if let aTempError = error as NSError?, aTempError.domain != NSURLErrorDomain && aTempError.code != NSURLErrorTimedOut && elapsed == 0 {
speedTestCompletionBlock?(nil, error)
let speed = elapsed != 0 ? Double(bytesReceived) / elapsed / 1024.0 / 1024.0 : -1
speedTestCompletionBlock?(speed, nil)
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