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Right to left language support in php

I am developing a site where people will put their comments, in arabic. my website is built in php. does any body know a way how to add right-to- left language support to write text in english?

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saadi Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 21:12


2 Answers

Try specifying <html dir="rtl"> in your markup.

I would read: http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/bidi-xhtml/

If for some reason you need left to right on a certain element, just specify the dir attribute on it: <div dir="ltr"></div>

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meder omuraliev Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 20:12

meder omuraliev

I had similar problem obtained even I try rtl in textarea where from I was sending my arabic data into database finally it solved when I also apply rtl at the div where I was calling data to print at that div. So use rtl at both sides one where data is sending into database and second where data is retrieving to print.

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A.Aleem11 Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 18:12
