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Right align components with Vuetify.js

I'm trying to right align a set of radio buttons in a Vuetify grid:

<v-layout row wrap align-start justify-end fill-height>
   <v-flex xs12 class="text-xs-right">
      <v-radio-group row hide-details>
         <v-radio label="Public"></v-radio>
         <v-radio label="Private"></v-radio>

They always stay left though. How is right alignment achieved?

Fiddle here:


like image 742
Kong Avatar asked Sep 09 '18 23:09


1 Answers

You could put a <v-spacer> inside your <v-radio-group>. That will fill the available space on the left of the buttons.

<v-radio-group row>
  <v-radio label="Public"></v-radio>
  <v-radio label="Private"></v-radio>

Another way would be to add an offset to your <v-flex>

<v-flex xs12 offset-xs8>
  <v-radio-group row>
    <v-radio label="Public"></v-radio>
    <v-radio label="Private"></v-radio>
like image 80
jordanw Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10
