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Rhinomocks, how to verify that a stub/mock was never called at all?



Using Rhinomocks, how can I verify that a Mock/stub was never called at all? Meaning no methods was called on the mock/stub?

I am aware of the AssertWasNotCalled method, but this method requires that I mention a method name. (Perhaps I have a class with 10 different methods that could be called).

 Log.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.LogAndReportException(null, null), x => x.IgnoreArguments());
like image 787
Andy Avatar asked Jan 04 '10 12:01


2 Answers

You can use a Strict mock, althought this is a feature that may go away in the future:

var mocks = new MockRepository();
var cm = mocks.StrictMock<ICallMonitor>();

cm.HangUp(); // this will cause VerifyAllExpectations to throw

In this syntax, a Strick Mock only allows explicitly defined calls.

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Mark Seemann Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Mark Seemann

You can use the StrictMock method to create a strict mock - this will fail if any unexcepted method call is used. According to Ayende's site, this is discouraged, but it sounds like exactly the scenario where it would be useful.

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David M Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

David M