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RGB value to HSL converter

Google maps api v3 allows "styles" to be applied to the map, including setting the color of various features. However, the color format it uses is HSL (or what seems like it):

  • hue (an RGB hex string)
  • lightness (a floating point value between -100 and 100)
  • saturation (a floating point value between -100 and 100)

(from the docs)

I managed to find RGB to HSL converters online, but I am unsure how to specify the converted values in a way that google maps will accept. For instance, a typical HSL value given by a converter would be: 209° 72% 49%

How does that HSL value map to the parameters I specified from the google maps api? i.e. how does a hue degree value map to an RGB hex string and how does a percentage map to a floating point value between -100 and 100?

I am still uncertain how to do the conversion. I need to, given an RGB value, quickly convert it to what google maps expects so that the color will be identical...

like image 341
aeq Avatar asked Aug 12 '10 21:08


2 Answers

Since the hue argument expects RGB, you can use the original color as the hue.


#!/usr/bin/env python

def rgb2hsl(r, g, b):
    #Hue: the RGB string
    H = (r<<16) + (g<<8) + b
    H = "0x%06X" % H

    #convert to [0 - 1] range
    r = float(r) / 0xFF
    g = float(g) / 0xFF
    b = float(b) / 0xFF

    M = max(r,g,b)
    m = min(r,g,b)
    C = M - m

    L = (M + m) / 2

    #Saturation (HSL)
    if L == 0:
        S = 0
    elif L <= .5:
        S = C/(2*L)
        S = C/(2 - 2*L)

    #gmaps wants values from -100 to 100
    S = int(round(S * 200 - 100))
    L = int(round(L * 200 - 100))

    return (H, S, L)

def main(r, g, b):
    r = int(r, base=16)
    g = int(g, base=16)
    b = int(b, base=16)
    print rgb2hsl(r,g,b)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv


$ ./rgb2hsl.py F0 FF FF
('0xF0FFFF', 100, 94)


Below is a screenshot showing the body set to a rgb background color (#2800E2 in this case), and a google map with styled road-geometry, using the values calculated as above ('0x2800E2', 100, -11).

It's pretty clear that google uses your styling to create around six different colors centered on the given color, with the outlines being closest to the input. I believe this is as close as it gets.

alt text

From experimentation with: http://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/styledmaps/wizard/index.html

For water, gmaps subtracts a gamma of .5. To get the exact color you want, use the calculations above, and add that .5 gamma back.


  featureType: "water",
  elementType: "geometry",
  stylers: [
    { hue: "#2800e2" },
    { saturation: 100 },
    { lightness: -11 },
    { gamma: 0.5 },
like image 100
bukzor Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10


We coded a tool which exactly does want you want. It takes hexadecimal RGB values and generates the needed HSL code. It comes with a preview and Google Map JavaScript API V3 code output. Enjoy ;D


like image 26
stadt.werk Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10
