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RGB color picker for Rails 3

Status: I am building an app in which is needed to be a field available for user to select a color, this field will contain RGB color code string.

I have tested one which looks pretty but it does not work very well. It is 'picky-color' and it is hosted in this repository: https://github.com/Astorsoft/picky-color. Here I open an issue about some problem with it.

Problem: Please suggest me some color picker to use in Rails 3 app.

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Israel Avatar asked Oct 07 '11 20:10


2 Answers

Perhaps the list on the page jQuery UI Development: Color Picker gives you the one that works out of the box. The reason for that is that jQuery is now included in Rails 3 applications, so using something on the base of Prototype or another JavaScript library is more difficult.

The integration in ruby should not be difficult, though.

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mliebelt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


I selected jPicker, It was a good option for me.

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Israel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
