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rewriting url to hide real page path

I recently with the help of SO solved my htaccess rewriterule issue:

Reuse subdomain in a rewrite rule

The result is that when somebody enters


in the adress bar, the htaccess automatically redirects to


What I wish to do is to find a way to just show whatever.example.com/anypage in the adress bar with the content of whatever.example.com/somepath/whatever/anypage displayed.

In the post I mentioned earlier, Jon Lin clearly mentions the following:

redirects always change what's in the browser's URL address bar

However I know some very frequent cases of url rewritting that would show in the adress bar let's say, for instance:


but actually showing the content of


How could this apply to my case? I really wish to have a tiny url but it seems I missed something.

like image 235
Sebas Avatar asked Dec 28 '12 13:12


1 Answers

You may try something like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  ^/([^/]+)$
RewriteRule .*  http://whatever.example.com/somepath/whatever/%1 [L]

It will map:


To a resource at:


showing always in the browser's address bar:



If whatever is dynamic and is the same in the substitution URI, here is another option:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  ([^/]+)\.example\.com.*
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  ^/([^/]+)$
RewriteRule .*  http://%1.example.com/somepath/%1/%2 [L]

This will work as long as both "whatever" in the substitution path are the same. If they are not, the last "whatever" has to be hardcoded, like this:

RewriteRule .*  http://%1.example.com/somepath/whatever/%2 [L]

There is no other way as the incoming URL doesn't have it.

like image 80
Felipe Alameda A Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10

Felipe Alameda A