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Reversing the order of a string value

I have the following function which reverses a string value's display order. I'm new to Swift and I'm trying to understand it's logic. What is going on with the '!pleh' value that it turns into 'Help!' ? Thanks

func reverse(_ s: String) -> String {
 var str = ""
 for character in s.characters {
    str = "\(character)" + str
 return str
print (reverse("!pleH"))
like image 413
Yiu Chung Wong Avatar asked Jan 21 '17 16:01

Yiu Chung Wong

People also ask

Which function returns the reverse order of a string value?

The REVERSE function accepts a character expression as its argument, and returns a string of the same length, but with the ordinal positions of every logical character reversed.

How do you reverse the order of a string in Java?

To reverse a string in java, we can first convert it to StringBuilder which is nothing but a mutable string. Class StringBuilder provides an inbuilt function called reverse(), which reverses the given string and provides you with the final output.

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With a string as an argument, reversed() returns an iterator that yields characters from the input string in reverse order.

1 Answers

In swift 4.0, directly call reversed on a string will get the job done

let str = "abc"
String(str.reversed()) // This will give you cba
like image 87
Fangming Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10
