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ReverseParentheses - Codefights

I'm having a really tough time solving this problem with JavaScript

You are given a string s that consists of English letters, punctuation marks, whitespace characters and brackets. It is guaranteed that the brackets in s form a regular bracket sequence.

Your task is to reverse the strings in each pair of matching parenthesis, starting from the innermost one.


For string s = a(bc)de the output should be

reverseParentheses(s) = "acbde".


[time limit] 4000ms (js)
[input] string s

A string consisting of English letters, punctuation marks, whitespace characters and brackets. It is guaranteed that parenthesis form a regular bracket sequence.


5 ≤ x.length ≤ 55.

[output] string

It has to work with the following inputs:

  1. s: a(bcdefghijkl(mno)p)q Expected Output: apmnolkjihgfedcbq
  2. s: co(de(fight)s) Expected Output: cosfighted
like image 292
Annia J. Flores Avatar asked Feb 15 '17 16:02

Annia J. Flores

4 Answers

function reverseParentheses(s) {
    if (s.includes('(')){
        return reverseParentheses(reverseOnce(s));
    } else {     
        return s;

function reverseOnce(s){
    var regexp = /\(([^()]*)\)/i;
    var subStr = regexp.exec(s)[1];
    subStr = subStr.split('').reverse().join('');
    return s.replace(regexp, subStr)
like image 95
Vahan Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10



Using Regex

function reverseInParentheses(s) {
    if (s.match(/\([a-z]*\)/)) {
        return reverseInParentheses(s.replace(/\([a-z]*\)/, 
    else return s;

Simple Method:-

function reverseInParentheses(s) {
    while (true) {
        let c = s.indexOf(")");    
        if (c === -1) break;
        let o = s.substring(0, c).lastIndexOf("(");
        let start = s.substring(0, o);
        let middle = s.substring(o + 1, c).split("").reverse().join("");
        let end = s.substring(c + 1, s.length);
        s = start + middle + end;
    return s;

In Python:

Simple Method

def reverseInParentheses(s):
    return eval('"' + s.replace('(', '"+("').replace(')', '")[::-1]+"') + '"')

Using Stacks Method

def reverseInParentheses(s):
    stack = []
    for x in s:
        if x == ")":
            tmp = ""
            while stack[-1] != "(":
                tmp += stack.pop()
            stack.pop() # pop the (
            for item in tmp:

    return "".join(stack)

In C++

Simple Method:-

reverseString function will reverse the String using the swapping method while reverseParentheses function will update string recursively.

string reverseString(string s){
    for(int i = 0;i < s.length()/2;i++){
        char t = s[s.length()-1-i];
        s[s.length()-1-i] = s[i];
        s[i] = t;
    return s;
string reverseInParentheses(string s) {
    int beg = 0;
    int end = s.length() - 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
        if(s[i] == '(')
            beg = i;
        if(s[i] == ')'){
            end = i;
            string temp = s.substr(beg + 1, end - beg - 1);
            return reverseInParentheses(s.substr(0, beg) + reverseString(temp) + s.substr(end + 1));
    return s;
like image 36
Vineet Jain Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Vineet Jain

def reverseParentheses(s):
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] == "(":
            start = i
            print (s[:start])
        if s[i] == ")":
            end = i
            print (end)
            return reverseParentheses(s[:start] + s[start+1:end][::-1] + s[end+1:])
    return s
like image 31
Mayur Shah Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Mayur Shah

Here is a solution:

const reverse = (str) => str.split('').reverse().join('');

const reverseParentheses = (s) => {
    while (s.includes('(')) {
        var l = s.lastIndexOf('(');
        var r = s.indexOf(')', s.lastIndexOf('('));
        s = s.slice(0, l) + reverse(s.slice(l + 1, r)) + (r + 1 === s.length ? s.slice(r, -1) : s.slice(r + 1));
    return s;
like image 23
Kiril Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10
